As I work on my big ideas for 2009, I am finding that starting something new can be a lonely venture.
The good news is that there are not a lot of other people doing what I want to do. The bad news is that there are not a lot of other people doing what I want to do. That means no pro forma model to follow, and few obvious people with whom I might partner.
The good news is that I get to make all the decisions, and manifest my vision. The bad news is that I get to make all the decisions, and manifest my vision. One person's view is monocular, which makes depth perception quite challenging.
In my last post, I shared the idea that there is a continuum between Making It Happen and Allowing It to Unfold. My intention is to maintain a balance along this continuum.
So far in 2009, I have been more on the Allowing side, especially when it comes to involving other people. I believe that to be appropriate, as I am not interested in making anyone do anything.
But, I am starting to think that I need to be more proactive in meeting people, making friends, and creating a system of professional alliances--in the same way that I am proactive in meeting people, making friends, and maintaining my social relationships.
Maybe this is the most significant challenge for me in shifting from working for someone else to working for myself--the need to intentionally and consciously find the people who will complement and support my work. And, to build good relationships with them.
The good news is that my success as an employee has often come as a result of building solid collegial relationships. And that gives me hope.
Gear List for Backpacking in the Summer
15 years ago